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Devansu is a stable teenager who enjoys travelling

~ A Biography ~

Devansu Deva Rathva is a 18-year-old teenager who enjoys travelling, going to the movies and reading. She is stable and reliable, but can also be very pessimistic and a bit impatient.

She is hindu who defines herself as straight. She is currently at school. She is a vegan who is allergic to latex.

Physically, Devansu is in pretty good shape. She is short with bronze skin, copper hair and green eyes. She has a birthmark on her forehead.

She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. She was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.

Devansu goes to Springfield School, where her favourite subjects are chemistry, biology and medicine. She loves her teacher Mr Reynolds but hates Mr Johnson whose interests include handing out extra homework.

She is currently single. Her most recent romance was with an admin assistant called Shane Herbert Sullivan, who was 9 years older than her. They broke up because Shane wanted to be with somebody less conventional.

Devansu has one child with ex-boyfriend Shane: Wanda aged 1.

Devansu's best friend is a teenager called Bernice Bennett. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Mason Baker and Norma Hunter. They enjoy helping old ladies across the road together.

Created on 1st June 2021.


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All Time Rank: 22139.5 out of 432656
(We added the voting feature on 14th December 2017)

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