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Sonya is a giving tradesperson's assistant who suffers from a severe phobia of ducks

~ A Personality Profile ~

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Sonya Una Thomas is a 27-year-old tradesperson's assistant who enjoys stealing candy from babies, podcasting and watching sport. She is giving and creative, but can also be very violent and a bit unfriendly.

She is British who defines herself as bisexual. She started college but never finished the course. She is allergic to wasps. She has a severe phobia of ducks, and is obsessed with organic vegetables.

Basic Information

Name:Sonya Una Thomas
Nicknames:Sofi / Tall Sonya
Reason for nicknames:Derived from Sonya / Descriptive
Date of birth:Monday, 8th Jan 1996 (Age 27)
Star sign:Capricorn
Social class:Middle class
Education:Some college
Political views:Far left
Relationship status:Single
Career path:Tradesperson


Positive characteristics:giving, creative
Negative characteristics:violent, unfriendly
Words often used: creative, giving, unfriendly, violent
Other words that might be used: beetle-browed, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, broad, broad-minded, chilly, constructive, convulsive, cool, creative, crimson, fanciful, ferocious, fictive, fierce, free, furious, generative, generous, giving, hostile, imaginative, inexact, ingenious, inhospitable, inimical, intense, inventive, lashing, left, liberal, liberalistic, lurid, neoliberal, notional, openhanded, originative, productive, progressive, raging, rampageous, red, reformist, savage, scowling, socialized, stupid, tearing, tolerant, tough, uncongenial, uncordial, unfriendly, unintelligent, unneighborly, unneighbourly, vehement, violent, welfarist, wild, yeasty
Moral:not at all
Extrovert:not at all
Hobbies:stealing candy from babies, podcasting, watching sport, playing video games, cookery, adult colouring books, watching television, binge-watching boxed sets, escapology, camping, tiddlywinks
Obsessions:organic vegetables
Dieteats meat
Favourite foods:jammy biscuits, dough balls
Allergies and intolerances:wasps
Created on 18th January 2023.

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